Kelly C. Mullen, Mind-Body Coach & Shamanic Practitioner | Whole-Self Wisdom

You Are Medicine

– Posted in: Blog

What if everyone you met knew that their presence offered medicine to those around them? 

I once made an herbal extraction bag, as part of a workshop led by my shamanic teacher, to assist in extracting misplaced energy from clients’ energy bodies and replacing those areas with love and light.  

As she placed each herb/resin in our hand, we journeyed into non-ordinary reality with our rattles to learn what it would like us to know about it, and whether it would like to work with us.  Some replied, “Absolutely not,” while others said “Naah.” For the 19 out of the 30 herbs/resins that said they would like to work with me, many said, “Oh yes!” 

They told me about their purpose and offered reasons why they said yes, or no, and I soon learned that the herbs/resins that chose to work with me did so to support my unique gifts and talents and were the perfect complement to my clients’ needs and intentions.  For example, Calendula said I had worked with it before and to bring it to my Divination Parties, while Copal said they are not a fit because they tend to force things – like pushing kids into a pool so they will learn to swim (Note:  My Medicine involves a more gentle approach like starting off in the baby pool).  

Similar to the herbs, we each have a purpose.  Similar to the herbs, we each hold a personal power that allows us to fulfill and master that purpose.  The question is, how can we tap into that purpose and power?  

First, let’s refer to our language.  Do we even have a word or phrase in our culture that describes our presence as medicine?  I’ve heard some people refer to others as having a healing presence, but this is not commonplace. 

A nature-based coach, with Native American roots, shared with me that indigenous cultures believe that it is critical to the survival of the tribe that each individual uncovers their “Original Medicine” – the unique gifts and talents they hold and way in which they express them.  In her book, “An Encyclopedia of Shamanism Vol. 2, Christina Pratt offers this definition: “Original Medicine is the unique quality of personal power that arises from the combination of talents, gifts, and challenges innate to each individual…An individual may be granted additional medicine powers as a result of a profound life transformation, dedicated work, or a successful vision quest or initiation.”

Next, why don’t we (non-Native North Americans) have this language?  Could it be that the ancestral lineages that we came here to heal (through our own healing work) involves a span of 5+ generations between ourselves and the indigenous roots they came from on other continents?

What if we could honor and connect with our ancestors and indigenous roots – Would we have more clarity on our unique gifts?  We are all extensions of our ancestors’ creativity. We came here with a purpose and power that our communities need to thrive, but our cultural conditioning can indeed make it challenging to bring this personal purpose and power to light (“How will you make money doing that?” “That’s not something women do.” “I don’t have enough experience to start…”)?

So how can you transmute this conditioning and experience your Medicine more fully?

If you are in the Boulder area, please join me, Kelly Mullen, shamanic practitioner and somatic life coach for a fun way to tap into your Medicine.  Our next Original Medicine Meeting is at 11:30am on February 26th (over lunch) at the beautiful Boulder Dushanbe Teahouse!  Click here for details and to register:

This week’s meeting focuses on identifying your core values so you can reveal your truth and stand in your power as you make decisions that are aligned with your Medicine.  At the start of each meeting, we will take a moment around the table to honor the ancestors of the land, and the roots that can support us in sharing our unique light in the world. 

Alternatively, you can visit me at and schedule a complementary call to learn more about uncovering your Medicine.  I create and hold a space for overwhelmed Lightworkers to connect to, and trust, their own inner wisdom to guide them into navigating change and stressful situations with more ease, align to their true nature for more energy, and express themselves with confidence so they can engage in meaningful and supportive relationships. 

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