Kelly C. Mullen, Mind-Body Coach & Shamanic Practitioner | Whole-Self Wisdom

Anxiety or Joy?

– Posted in: Anxiety

Through mind-body coaching, I get to help clients explore the space within and beyond their thoughts and emotions – so I thought it only appropriate that my first blog post include a poem where there’s a whole lot of space between the words.

The following is a true story.

Holding Joy


Hummingbird courtesy of jeffreyw*

A couple sit
On the terrace

Flashes of colors
Boxes of flowers

A breeze flows freely
The smell of coffee

I step through
The shop’s open doorway
I sit down
To face the window bay

Inside windows so high
They reach into the sky

It’s Sunday

But I’m tapping
On my laptop
Just to catch up
And then I stop

There’s still tapping

I look up and see

A hummingbird!

Flapping its wings against the window
A 60 beats per second tempo

It must be anxious
To get out
Red flowers calling it

How will it…
Find its way

How can I…
Set it free?

There must be…

I can do
Some action
I should take

But then, I breathe
I close my eyes
To drop in, and see

I’m in me

I open my eyes

And to my surprise

Completely motionless
Resting on
Red cushioned bench pillows

A hummingbird!

Spread out wide, wings
An iridescent green
I’ve never seen


I reach out my hand
Intention clear
“Will you let me hold you?”

But then, I see

A needle-sharp beak
Moving too swiftly

I fear

A needle-sharp beak
Moving too swiftly


I reach out my hand
Intention clear
“Will you let me hold you?”

Between my fingertips
A gentle squeeze
A hummingbird

I lift it up, inches
In front of me
A hummingbird

A brilliant, vibrant, green
In front of me
A hummingbird

But then…

I have the thought
“I can’t believe…
I am holding…
A hummingbird”

From my fingertips
To the window bay

A hummingbird

Flapping its wings against the window
A 60 beats per second tempo

– Kelly C. Mullen

What resonated with you while reading this poem?  

If you could have/experience anything and be guaranteed that it will manifest, what would that be? 

What is the greatest challenge, or frustration, that you are facing?


Please leave a comment.  I’d love to know.


*Photograph: doop-dee-doop, hummin along… by jeffreyw (license)

2 comments… add one
Bana July 17, 2015, 7:06 am

Hi, Kelly! For me the moment of stillness, when the hummingbird was resting was the one standing out the most. I could feel it tengibly. Perhaps it is because I love watching birds, it feels like times slows down and almost stops while I absorb all the details of how they look and move. I am not a bird watcher, but generally love watching animals, and they sometimes come really close, so the joy of holding the bird in your hand also resonated for me. What a beautiful poem, feels like meditation! Bana

Kelly C. Mullen July 18, 2015, 12:41 am

Bana – Love how you noticed time slowing down/almost stopping while watching. So true!

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