Do you find yourself saying any of the following?
“I have to get x, y, and z done, but I just don’t feel like it”
“I have so much on my to do list, I’ll just have to push through it/soldier on”
“I’d love to experience a more natural rhythm, but I have too many responsibilities”
“Even when I have a moment to myself, I have no idea what I want to do, or what would be fun!”
If you lack energy, feel tension in your neck and shoulders, and/or tell yourself that you should be doing something you don’t feel like doing, please join me for a FREE virtual learning opportunity designed to help you experience relief from the pressure we put on ourselves and make the transition from exhaustion toward more ease and inspired action.
Upon completion of this call, you’ll be able to:
- Identify your top thoughts leading to self-pressure
- Describe how self-pressure shows up in your body and affects your overall well-being and creativity
- Apply techniques to connect to your inner wisdom’s guidance so you can experience relief from pain and stress
To register, include your name and e-mail address on the form at the right. You’ll then receive the dial-in details to participate.