Kelly C. Mullen, Mind-Body Coach & Shamanic Practitioner | Whole-Self Wisdom


Under Pressure?

“I have to get x, y, and z done, but I just don’t feel like it”
“I have so much on my to do list, I’ll just have to push through it/soldier on” 
“I’d love to experience a more natural rhythm, but I have too many responsibilities”
If you lack energy and feel tension in your back, neck and shoulders, below is a recording of a course designed to help you experience relief from self-pressure and make the transition from exhaustion toward more ease and inspired action.
Upon completion of this call, you’ll be able to:
  • Identify your top thoughts leading to self-pressure
  • Describe how self-pressure shows up in your body and affects your overall well-being and creativity
  • Apply techniques to connect to your inner wisdom’s guidance so you can experience relief from tension, pain and stress


Click here for the WS Wisdom Handout