Kelly C. Mullen, Mind-Body Coach & Shamanic Practitioner | Whole-Self Wisdom

Resuscitate Your Retreat* VIP Program


You offer products/services that make a difference in your clients’ lives.

These products/services are an expression of your gifts and talents.

You’d like to connect with those individuals that need your offerings most.

You’re in the midst of planning an educational event, or program, to communicate how your offerings can help those individuals.


  • You’ve announced your “retreat” (*in-person/live virtual event) and enrollment is lower than you expected.  How can you take it to the next level, and communicate your enhancements, so that your intended participants see the value?
  • Your in-person/live virtual event is fast approaching and your design and content is not yet finalized.  How can you evaluate whether your course/program will engage participants in a way that allows them to immediately apply what they learn — and want to continue their connections with you?
  • You’re working with additional individuals on the design and logistics.  How can you ensure everyone is on the same page so they can move forward with their respective responsibilities? 

Key Question

How can you resuscitate your existing learning event and create a broader program that is relevant, engaging and impactful so that you can attract a growing number of new clients and build relationships with your existing clients?

The Express to Connect Approach

Educational programs not only offer a way to express who you are and what you do, but are a great way to connect with a community of individuals that need you.

Key principles

  • You have help.  A learning design guide and approach, as well as 1-1 coaching, can help you create a great program – and enjoy the process!
  • Building new knowledge, skills and behaviors takes time.  A programmatic approach reflects this principle.  In addition, each program component has a clear purpose in the journey so participants and facilitators/coaches can make the most of the time available.
  • Each participant’s experience is unique.  The element of choice provides an opportunity to offer some customization and enhances the relevance of your program so participants are positioned to immediately apply what they learn.
  • Wisdom comes through experience and experience comes through play – using all four parts of you (mind, body, spirit and emotions).  An effective program design and delivery creates and holds a space to fully engage participants in drawing out the wisdom from these four parts of themselves.
  • Intention and follow-up support contribute more to making an impact than delivering a specific learning event.  Without these before and after components, a learning event can be interesting and engaging, yet miss the mark when it comes to participants’ ability to put what they learn into practice.

What Will You Learn?

This VIP Program is designed to take your existing efforts to the next level so that you can offer a learning program that is relevant, engaging and makes a difference with new and existing clients.

Upon completion of this program, participants are invited to:

  • Clarify your message so you attract your ideal participants and clients
  • Utilize a template to draft a professional enrollment communication
  • Brainstorm free resources to make enrollment for your offering a no brainer
  • Clarify your ideal role(s) for expressing yourself and connecting to participants throughout the program
  • Utilize an approach and template to design a learning program that is relevant, engaging and impactful to your ideal participants and clients
  • Revise your communications plan
  • Move through challenges that may appear leading up to your “retreat”
  • Reference leading practices for:
    • Writing learning objectives that will help your participants discern relevance and value
    • Identifying engaging learning activities that allow you to confirm whether your content is achieving each learning objective
    • Including the learning and other performance enhancement activities into each stage of your program so participants are positioned to immediately apply what they learn to their lives
    • Facilitating teleseminars and in-person workshops

What Does the Format Look Like?

This customized program is segmented into multiple working sessions that address the design, or blueprint for your revised program; however, options, tips and templates for proceeding with understanding your audience, developing content and communications, delivering your content and sending communications and requesting feedback will also be reviewed.

Working sessions can be scheduled across multiple days so that you have the time you need between each session to process lessons learned and prepare questions for the next.  Alternatively, if you find that you are in a tight timeframe, some sessions can be combined within the same day.

Sample Format for VIP Day*  

  • Day 1 (30 Minute Kickoff):  This session provides time for alignment and an overview of leading practices included in the shift to a programmatic approach to learning.
  • Day 2 (60 Minute Working Session): You come away with a draft enrollment communication that highlights your core message and changes, and a draft design/outline for a revised learning program that enhances the relevance, level of participant engagement, and value.
    • Option A:  Utilizing existing communications/content that you provide, I will provide you with these drafts for review.
    • Option B:  I’ll guide you through an interactive process to come away with these files.
  • Day 3 (90 Minute Working Session):  In this interactive session, I’ll guide you through a process for turning your “retreat,” or one-time event, into a broader program that aims to help participants develop new skills and behaviors over time.
  • Day 4 (90 Minutes Working Session):  I’ll guide you through a process of revising your “retreat” (in person/live virtual event) so that you have a blueprint for creating content, setting expectations, planning logistics and making strategic changes if needed.  This process will also allow you to follow an approach to design additional learning events that may become a part of your broader program.
  • Day 5 (90 Minutes Working Session):  This time can focus on reviewing designs, revising your communication plan and/or addressing the challenges that may arise as you begin revising content and planning for your deliveries.

*Time slots can be customized to address multiple time zones and availability and are delivered over the phone or via Skype.  For clients in the Boulder, CO area, it may also be possible to arrange an in-person meeting.

Your Guide

I’m here to support you in this customized, interactive journey.

With almost twenty years in the field of learning and talent development, I can share leading practices for developing learning programs that affect change.  With my coaching experience, I can offer the support needed to help you apply these approaches, and express your gifts so you can connect to new clients and build existing relationships.

I’m passionate about helping people express themselves with confidence.   The process of designing and delivering learning programs is a great way to play with this.

I’m also passionate about helping people connect to themselves and others.  I’ve seen first-hand how creating an environment for learning (including gaining sponsorship, building teams to support design and implementation, and designing and delivering learning myself) offers multiple opportunities for connecting with self and others so you can share your thing in the world and make a difference.


Upon enrollment of each program, you’ll receive a handout that includes leading practices for:

  • Writing learning objectives that will help your participants discern relevance and value
  • Identifying engaging learning activities that allow you to confirm whether your content is achieving each learning objective
  • Including the learning and other performance enhancement activities into each stage of your program so participants are positioned to immediately apply what they learn to their lives
  • Leading practices for facilitating teleseminars and in-person workshops

Your Investment

How many participants would you like to enroll in your program?  Will you be offering additional learning programs in the future that can leverage the approaches, resources, and support offered from this VIP Program?

These questions can help you to determine whether this program is right for you.   This new program offering is priced at $750 for one individual and up to two additional team members can be included in the process for  an additional $100 per person.


To learn more and schedule a free 20-minute consultation click hereor visit my Contact Me  page.  I’d love to connect with you!