Kelly C. Mullen, Mind-Body Coach & Shamanic Practitioner | Whole-Self Wisdom

20% Discount on all 1:1 Coaching Packages!

Overwhelmed?  If so, it’s possible that I wrote a book of poems dedicated to you – the “hidden healer” – and in honor of publishing my first book later this year, I’ve discounted all of my coaching packages through October. Click here to schedule a FREE 20-minute consultation.

Are you a “Hidden Healer?”

  • Do you want to recover from burnout, but feel there’s too much to get done that you can’t possibly slow down – even when you’re experiencing frustrating physical symptoms?
  • Are you aware of your gifts and talents to serve others, but unsure about what to do with them?  
  • Are you planning for, or in the midst of making, a transition (health, career, home, relationship), but you feel too overwhelmed and concerned you’ll make all the wrong decisions?
  • Do you crave more connections with like-minded and supportive people, but those types of relationships seem elusive?

A Support Structure for Hidden Healers

I wrote the book of poems as a way to integrate the many healing sessions I’d experienced since I left the corporate training world and began sharing my gifts in the less familiar worlds of mind-body coaching, shamanic healing and entrepreneurship.  One day, I put them in a single document and realized I had a book (who knew?)!

While many poems are quite intimate, I’m sharing them with the world to inspire those “hidden healers” to not only explore how we can each create the appropriate conditions for healing (for ourselves and others), but to also explore the emotional and spiritual aspects of dis-ease that don’t get as much attention in our conventional health care system.
My intention is that each poem offers an opportunity to experience what it means to heal the healer so you can inspire and support others in their own journeys.

Will You Make Yourself Known and Share Your Gifts?

I don’t want to wait for the book to come out in print before you can begin creating and holding a space for your gifts and talents to become known.  In honor of the book’s release, I am offering a 20% discount on my coaching packages through October.  
Click here to schedule a FREE 20-minute consultation.  Please don’t put this off.  The world needs your gifts (stat!)