Lightworkers of Boulder & Beyond
If you, or someone you know, is in the Boulder, CO area, I invite you to join “Lightworkers of Boulder & Beyond” – a Meetup group for kind-hearted individuals (often in the helping professions) who are dedicated to being a bright light in the world.
We offer engaging events designed to facilitate learning-in-community, building relationships and celebrating our members’ unique gifts and journeys. As a member you are invited to attend any of the following events:
• “Web of Light Ceremony” – This is a free monthly event held on the full moon (or close to it!) to release deep muscular tension and to join thousands of people around the world in radiating your light so that you can bring a healing presence to the world. RSVP here =>
• “Potluck in the Park” – This is a monthly (through September) casual event where you can gather and build relationships over a meal. You are encouraged to bring your business cards, make new connections and stay in touch. The event is free – just bring your favorite dish! RSVP here =>
• “Overwhelm to Ease” – Beginning July 2018, I’ll be hosting a free monthly workshop on how to address a Lightworkers #1 Fear – Freezing and that you won’t have choices. RSVP here =>
The common thread across each event is to create and hold a space for members to tune into their own inner wisdom so they may recognize the power they hold to BE a source of inspiration and healing to others during such stressful and changing times – just by the energy they give off and the coincidences that occur to make their lives easy and joyful!
I look forward to connecting with you at the next event!